P-05-1157 Allow schools to assess students how they see fit, including the use of open-book assessments, Correspondence – WJEC to Committee, 20.05.21


Schools and colleges can choose evidence from a broad range of sources including adapted past papers, non-examination assessment, centre- devised tasks, and coursework to inform their professional judgement

Schools and colleges will be using their professional judgement in assessing learners based on a range of evidence that best gives an overall picture of their learners’ performance. Therefore, no single piece of evidence will necessarily be more important than another, as grades will be based on a holistic judgement.

The flexibility in approach this summer allows for schools and colleges to choose appropriate evidence which takes account the variations in learning experiences of learners.  In all instances, learners will only be assessed on what they have been taught.


Grades will be determined by schools and colleges to reflect a holistic, fair, reasonable and carefully considered judgement of each learner’s performance across a range of evidence, on the curriculum content that they have been taught.


The approach to grading this year puts trust in the teaching profession and the professional judgement of schools and colleges.


If you require any further information, please let me know.